
The Children of Ysgol Bodfeurig and Ysgol Tregarth spent 8 days each working on a variety of artistic skills: Writing poetry and raps, making and moving puppets, painting and sculpting, drumming and dancing, filming and recording.
See a short documentary video of the project and a photo-stream from Ysgol Bodfeurig.
Together we have funnelled the creative process into creating an origin myth of the “Cwtch” Character, the world in which he lives, his friends and his favourite past times.

The core artistic team of Colin Daimond, Ed Holden and Pete Powell were further supported by poet Rhys Trimble and maker Enya Koster and the wonderful staff at both schools.

Tregarth Rap

This launch project has been funded by the Arts Council of Wales through their “Creative Collaborations” scheme. The project Manager – Colin Daimond –  is working in partnership with Learning Links International CIC, who have provided the organisational structure needed to deliver the project. 

We hope, with further development, Cwtch will go on to other schools to develop stories, performances and other education products.


A magical egg fell from the heavens,

A flash of light comes out from the egg and Cwtch is born,

Hatching from the egg with wings,

but, he falls into the rainbow river.

An old man finds him, feeds him

And carries him to Ysgol Bodfeurig.

The children of Bodfeurig name Cwtch “Cwtch”.

With love and cuddles from Bodfeurig his wings grew bigger,

and he grew up into a strong, friendly, brave and caring dragon.

He flew off to the island of imagination

and visits Ysgol Bodfeurig/Tregarth every year on the 17th of March.

Cwtch Ysgol Bodfeurig show
Cwtch Balans Balance
Dreigiau Bodfeurig DragonsCwtch Dychymyg Imagination





Workshops in Schools

With the Olympic Games being held in Rio this Summer, what better way to create some excitement than some Rio-Style Samba?

Workshops in schools

Workshops in schools

Colin Daimond, leads the North Wales Carnival band “Bloco Sŵn” and has been involved in the delivery of Samba workshops for over 20 years. DBS Certification available.

All instruments provided up to a group size of 40, workshops can be tailored for all year groups and can involve a short sharing/performance at the end of the day.

Bigger groups can be catered for by including an assistant.

Email: Phone: 07773798199

Chinese New Year – Dragons Parade



Bangor University’s Confucius Institute celebrated Chinese New Year on Saturday 13th February with an awe-inspiring Two Dragons Parade through central Bangor; created, performed and puppeteered by schoolchildren from Ysgol Hirael.

See the video here: Colin Daimond Dragons Project

Colin Daimond is the artistic director for the project working alongside materials artist / puppeteer Peter Powell and Dancer Liu Yuan from the Beijing Dance Academy.

In an adaptation from Chinese legend, two dragons (one Welsh and one Chinese) wound their way through the streets of Bangor to the sound of drums, chasing an elusive pearl swept away by a storm. The project has been developed over several weeks with movement, music and craft workshops taking place at Ysgol Hirael.

The parade started at Ysgol Hirael on Orme Road and made its way through the city centre finishing at Bangor Town Clock for a grand finale.

“The Chinese and Welsh dragons dancing together are a potent symbol of cultural exchange and we are very proud that Ysgol Hirael is able to represent Bangor at such a prestigious event.”

said Miss Valmai Davies, Headteacher at Ysgol Hirael.


2 lines hirael

More information about the Confucius Institute’s events can be found at: 

Drum Celebration 2015

This project, running for its second year, is a collaboration between Colin Daimond, Bangor University Afro-Caribbean Society and Batala Bangor.

Saturday, 31st October, 12.00 – 12:30pm, a mass band will perform in Bangor town centre to mark Black History Month – a time to raise awareness of the importance of people of African and Asian origins in world and local history. The mass group will perform arrangement’s based on Afoxé and Samba Reggae rhythms from Brazil.

To join the band, contact (or 07773 798199), or follow this link to the Facebook event:

Drum Workshops for all 11-16 year olds

Thursday and Friday 29/30th October 2015. £30

at The Old Goods Yard, Treborth, Bangor (near antelope pub LL57 2hz).

Facebook event:

last years event:

Join us for North Wales' biggest Samba Style drumming event.

Join us for North Wales’ biggest Samba Style drumming event.

Junk Percussion

Physics of sound, education junk percussion Wales

Physics of sound, education junk percussion Wales

Junk Percussion is particularly popular for summer community events and festivals – people of all ages can come and drop in, arrange their own Drumkit, make their own instruments and jam with strangers. Colin works to facilitate creativity, musicality and experiential learning with all ages and all abilities. Colin has also used Junk Percussion to deliver creative educational projects to Key Stage 1,2 & 3 on the themes of recycling and the physics of sound, choreographed Junk Percussion orchestras and used Junk percussion as a corporate Team Building tool.

Next public workshop is at Greenwood Forest park on Tuesday 27th October.

Here are some links to short videos:

Myself and Iolo “bashing out some ideas” on portable metal work; Hit Sgrap

And a Jam on some recycled Drainpipes: Pipe Jam

Junk percussion workshops North Wales

Junk percussion workshops North Wales

Samba Workshops

workshops for all ages

workshops for all ages

As the 2014 World Cup is in Brazil, International Companies, Community Organisations, weddings and birthday parties are all after a taste of the Brazilian Beat. Colin has been playing samba since 1995, running community projects since 2000, and working on corporate team building exercises since 2001. Colin has run workshops through the mediums of English, Welsh, German and Portuguese for numbers ranging from 3 to 700 participants. Get in touch to discuss how to bring the Brazilian flavour to your event.

Urban Dance Collage

urbandancecollage-pressrelease “Press Release / Datganiad i’r Wasg”  ( showreel). In early 2013 Colin was awarded Arts Council of Wales support to promote professional Male Dance in North Wales. “Press Release” was the first performance piece  bringing together different Movement disciplines, Hip Hop Dance styles and artistic skills. It premiered in June 2013 as part of the “INC” weekend at Galeri, Caernarfon, and was selected for performance at “CASGLIAD 2014” – the North Wales Dance Collectives showcase event. As well as choreographing and performing in the piece, Colin also co-wrote and recorded a world music score with Henry Horrell, produced by Ed Holden – The “Urban Dance Collage” project also spawned a second piece – a site specific improvisation called “Scratch” – here is some rough footage of the first performance

Cuban Rumba Study Course

In november 2012, Colin participated on the annual residential percussion course in Havana Cuba organised by La Timbala. He received a training grant form the Arts Council of Wales to help towards some of the tuition fees. The course was an opportunity to work with many of the prominent figures in the Havana Rumba Scene. Colin Daimond Bata Cuba 2012 Colin Daimond Congas Tumbadores Cuba