Rhedeg am yr ail mlwyddyn, fydd myfyrwyr o Gymdeithas Affro-Caribïaidd Prifysgol Bangor, drymwyr Batala Bangor a Bloco Swn yn cydweithio drwy perfformiad wrth Cloc Bangor ar Dydd Sadwrn 31 Hydref am hanner dydd.
Colin Daimond sy arwain y ‘ddathliad drymiau’ i ddathlu mis ‘Hanes Pobl Dduon’ ac i godi ymwybyddiaeth o ein hanes a rennir.
I ymuno i mewn efo gweithdy cyhoeddus ac y perfformiad, cyswllt a Colin@capoeiramocambo.co.uk (fan 07773 798199), neu dilyn y Linc Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1100000570011966/
Gweithdau drymio ar gyfer Ieuenctid 11-16 oed:
Dydd Iau a Dydd Gwener 29/30 mis hydref, 10-3pm £30
“TOGY” – The Old Goods Yard, Treborth, Bangor (Agos at Tafarn yr Antelope LL57 2hz).
Linc Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/460542620769114/
Digwyddiad blwyddyn diwethaf:
This project is a collaboration between Colin Daimond, Bangor University Afro-Caribbean Society and Batala Bangor. Drum Workshops running for all ages on THURSDAYS 9th & 16th October. 5:30-7:30pm only £2. On Saturday, 18th October, 12.00 – 1.00pm, a mass band will perform in Bangor town centre to mark Black History Month – a time to raise awareness of the importance of people of African and Asian origins in world and local history. The mass group will perform arrangement’s based on Afoxé and Samba Reggae rhythms from Brazil. To join the band, contact Colin@capoeiramocambo.co.uk (or 07773 798199), you can reserve your instrument for the drum workshopss on 9th and 16th October, between 5.30 – 7.30pm, at The Old Goods Yard, Treborth, Bangor (near antelope pub LL57 2hz). If you cannot make Colin’s rehearsals, you maybe able to join in the drum workshops for students at Academi, Deiniol Rd., on 8th and 15th October, between 3.00 – 5.00pm. contact bryndavies@gmx.com or John on 07427522001 Join the facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/324703867700812